Korean league of legends download
Korean league of legends download

korean league of legends download

Magic resistance decreased to 32 from 34.Slow duration decreased to 0.5 seconds from 0.75.Now shows stored missiles and Big One status on secondary resource bar.Big One damage increased to 100% bonus damagefrom 50%.Total AD scaling on missiles decreased to 15/45/75% from 20/60/100%.AP scaling on missiles decreased to 20% from 30%.If the target is killed, Cho’Gath gains a stack of Feast, which causes him to grow in size and gain 80/110/140 maximum health. Ravenously feed on an enemy, dealing 300/475/650 (+10% bonus health, +50% AP) true damage to champions or 1000 (+10% bonus health, +50% AP) to minions and monsters.These do not have to be the first five stacks gained. Minions and non-epic monsters will only provide five stacks, and don’t refund cost or cooldown.No longer gains two stacks from champion kills.Can stack above six infinitely, though size and attack range caps at 10.Now has a sixth rank once 10 Feast stacks are hit.Many of these changes return from the LoL patch 7.3 PBE – you can see some discussion on them as part of our video there.Movement speed when picking up chimes increased to from.We’ve got the numbers on what’s changing, and a general guideline on which way each champion, item, mastery, summoner spell or rune is moving. This is what the folks over at Riot are thinking about doing. That out of the way, let’s start with the really important bit, shall we? What you need to remember is that stuff on the PBE like this is neither guaranteed to happen, nor to be in the next patch even if it does.

Korean league of legends download